Advent III
But, here we are, the Third Sunday in Advent, looking for the Day of the Lord, seeking signs of Incarnation among and within. God-with-us (Emmanuel!) present always. What signs and visions and purposes accompany this seeking? For ourselves alone?
Well, ask his mother.
This week in Advent is by tradition the week we read Mary's vision for the world turned on its head by God's work among and within us. We call it the Magnificat (here's Bach's version!) from its first word in the Latin version. 'My soul enlarges the Lord,' she says. 'God is made larger by my proclamation of this vision of upheaval. The mighty and haughty are thrown down from their seats of power and - often - exploitation, and the lowly are lifted up. The hungry are filled 'with good things.'
Like a good Jewish girl, Mary is taking Hebrew scripture (check out The Song of Hannah, in the book of I Samuel) and making it her own. Here is what God does, she proclaims. Here is what God is doing. This child I am carrying will be raised to be the voice and the Word that will do this.
And, Jesus follows his mother's advice. When he begins his public work and teaching, told in Luke's Gospel, source of all the good stories, he asks for the scroll of the prophet Isaiah, and opens it to the passage where it is written, "the Spirit of the Lord is upon me to bring good news to the oppressed..." And so we read this Isaiah text this Sunday, as well, paired with Mary's vision.
Today, as I write, is the feast day of a certain telling of Mary's story: the appearance in newly colonized Mexico of a vision of Mary to an indigenous person called Juan Diego. Known as Our Lady of Guadalupe (read up here if you're unfamiliar), she has been taken as a patron of the poor, the indigenous, the migrant -- indeed, of all those seeking this vision that enlarges the world-- magnificat, anima mea. The basilica built on The Spot is the most visited Roman Catholic pilgrimage site in the world, which tells you many things - certainly about what humans are truly yearning for. There's a parish on 14th street in Manhattan where you can make a local pilgrimage, if you like - Mexico being somewhat distant at the moment.
The spirit of the Lord is upon me, says Jesus.
The spirit of the Lord is upon you, too. Go to the places that are captive, enslaved, sightless, in need of hearing the word of favor and peace... whether 'out there' in the world, within your own heart, or with your neighbors. And, you will be in the presence of the Lord. As we listen for what God brings to birth among us and within us, looking for Emmanu-El, map your vision for enlarging God's presence in the world onto sister Mary's vision: turn this world of vain, crazed power-seeking on its head; the hungry shall be favored, first; the lowly shall be respected, first. The presence of God is enlarged by these things, first and always.