Advent IV

The Gospel reading for tomorrow is Luke's telling of a strange visit with a young woman. A voice from God, a messenger sent (angelos, in Greek) to her. Strange things will happen to you, as to your cousin, Elizabeth -- two women - cousins - who will visit to discuss their pregnancies. After this encounter, Mary will go 'visit' Elizabeth, perhaps to avoid being shamed in her hometown, after learning of her pregnancy. That's one way to see things.

So, I've been thinking about shame, and sin! And confession. Probably because we've been reading Compline on weeknights (join in if you like), and Compline contains words of confession and forgiveness. Every night we confess that we have fallen short, committed sins... and then promise to repent, to turn again to ways that give life. Ways that are life. And truth.

When Mary is given news that could turn her heart to thoughts of public censure (for sin) and worries about what she will do -- in fact, she is worried: 'how can this be?' -- the angelic messenger tells her that God wants to make use of her, that she will be God's instrument somehow. She eventually says: let it be so. Let it be; let it be with me according to your Word.

A friend of mine tells me that she thinks that this story has loads of problems for women's agency in the world over time; this friend also tells me that -- in our self-centered and busy age -- when we leave room for God, God will fill us in strange ways. 'Make space for God, and God will fill you in ways unimagined.'

Ain't that the truth.

Let it be with me according to your Word. This is actually what we are also saying in words of confession-of-sin. Not lists of things done and left undone - necessary as that sort of review and examination can be for a troubled conscience opaque to itself. But, rather: let me walk in newness of life to your honor and glory in the world -- let it be with me, in me, according to how you see the world, how you see me, O Lord. For you love all your creatures, and desire life, and fullness therein. Let it be with me according to your Word. Your Word sees me, and calls me into truth. And, that is the way of life. And the way of Life.

There's no shame in that. O Come, Emmanuel. Enlighten us on this strange pathway.


Christmas I


Advent III