Maundy Thursday
The day holds together many traditions, all marking the summation of Jesus' life, teachings, and ministry among us -- the 'Institution of the Eucharist' at supper with his disciples, pledging to be with us always; summing up his teaching in a new commandment to love and serve one another, and embodying that -- as he embodies all things he teaches -- in taking on the role of a household slave and washing the feet of his disciples; a non-violent resistance when the forces of evil and empire come to arrest him, something we traditionally enact in the stripping of the altar, leaving it bare for Good Friday's more austere reflections on suffering. A watch is then sometimes kept with him overnight, in a locally improvised garden -- we choose to be in solidarity with him, to follow in his Way of self-offering, both as a demonstration of a trust in God-as-Love and a rebuke to the forces of this world that think that by arresting Jesus they will stop him in his way...
But, this day observes most particularly Jesus' life, not his death. His life and teaching -- his embodying -- are all grounded in that way of love he points to always. This is as true in times of trouble as it is in times of plenty.
Come, join this evening at - or a bit after - 7pm. Tomorrow and Saturday you'll be on your own, observing those days in whatever manner speaks to you. Come make the Body of Christ a bit more visible to itself this evening, so that we may have eyes to see this Body at work in the world around us in our daily lives.