Pentecost V

The Matthew reading is almost continuous with the previous weeks. Now, after Jesus has sent out the disciples to proclaim the kingdom of God at hand, people begin to ask just what kind of proclamation, and what kind of kingdom -- certainly what kind of prophet (Jesus) - all this is. Disciples of John the Baptist, always lurking in the background in Matthew's telling, come asking if Jesus really is the one they have been waiting for, or should they wait for another. Jesus just tells them to proclaim what they have seen (the sick are healed, et c), and then continues in today's reading, the end of which section will be familiar to anyone who has read the Office of Compline recently ('come, and rest')... or, indeed, listened to Handel's 'Messiah' which uses part of this text. What, indeed, does it mean to 'come unto him, and he will give you rest?" And, what is the yoke we take upon ourselves to learn from this one who is meek, and lowly in heart?

Peace to you all, friends. Pray for God's healing in this nation on this weekend.


Pentecost VI


Pentecost IV